Chapter History
The Inland Pomona Alumnae Chapter was chartered in 2003, established on February 1, 2004, and has upheld a tradition of excellence ever since.
Chapter Awards
Crown Chapter Winner
2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020
This award recognizes alumnae chapters that have attained a standard of excellence each year of the biennium. The Vice Presidents Alumnae recommend eligible chapters for all of the National Council to vote on and select.
Helping Hands Award: 2018
This award recognizes those chapters and individuals that assisted the Fraternity or another chapter in some significant way during the year.
Attendance Award: 2012
This award is presented to the alumnae chapter that traveled the greatest mileage to Convention.
Outstanding Website Award: 2012
Individual Awards
Along with chapter awards, individuals receive awards such as the Honor Ring, Zeta Lady, Certificate of Merit, Advisor of the Year, Ultra Violet Zeta Lady, and recognition as Individual Major Donors.